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X(1), X(3), X(5), X(20), X(61), X(62), X(3411), X(3412), X(13434), X(15047), X(22392), X(39138)


Geometric properties :

The cubic which is the barycentric product X(850) x pK(X6, M) is a pK+ if and only if M lies on K1071.

This is in particular the case when M = X(3), X(5), X(20), the pivots of K003, K005, K004 respectively corresponding to pK(X338, X525), pK(X338, X18314) with asymptotes concurring at X(2), pK(X338, X20 x X850) passing through X(525) which is a point of inflexion at infinity.

When M = X(1), the cubic decomposes into the cevian lines of X(1577).